Author: chrisH
The Physical RMS
At the sailing club the Race Management System has two computer screens The “SignOn” PC is a touch-screen computer located in the main clubhouse. Before the race starts sailors select their boat or name to indicate they are racing. The second is the PRO PC. As it’s name suggests is used by the race team…
The RMS Vision
As most sailors will know or remember, “back in the day” everything was handled on paper – perhaps your club still does? So paper sign-on/off lists, races were manually started, then finish times recorded on paper. Sometime later the results were available on the club website or elsewhere. For my club, with a focus on…
Schematic & Breadboard Wiring
The wiring schematic and a sample breadboard wiring layout for the Race Control Box are shown below.These are also included in the DOCUMENTATION
Racebox Documentation
The documentation is provided as a pdf which can be downloaded. It includes feature description, User Instructions, the prototype construction with diagrams and suggested parts list – everything you need! I hope you enjoy making it, and find it useful in your club races!
Make your own Racebox
The other pages in this section give all the information needed to build the “RaceBox” for your club.
Racebox Overview
The Portable Racebox is complete with an LCD display including countdown and elapsed race time. The box can be built for a very modest cost and provides outputs for an external horn and 3 lights, as well as local LED indicators.
About Portable Racebox
Many sailing clubs enjoy racing, but starting a race properly ( giving accurately timed sound signals with the correct lights/flags ) can be tricky for club volunteer members who are not too familiar with procedures. The sailing ‘Race Control Box’ project demonstrates a low-cost, portable unit that will help even novice Race Officers run races…